In May the Expo 2015 will open with the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". But what does it mean? For example, have you ever wondered how our eating habits have evolved over time, and if we would be willing to give up our traditional dishes? Or have you ever imagined what it’s like to be Minister of the Environment, asking what you could actually do to prevent the extinction of certain animals such as bees, which are critical to the survival of our ecosystem? What is food wastage and what can you do to reduce it? To explain all this and much more, we have created three fact sheets that will help you to better understand the current problems and future challenges related to these topics.

The fantastic world of the APP: everybody uses them and everybody wants them. But have you ever thought of devising and developing one of your own? With the help of experts, we have created a page where you can find all the necessary information and the steps to remember when developing an APP. Immerse yourself in this new adventure and take part in the competition!